Stage 5: Implementation
During the implementation stage the action plan is delivered, with the organisational changes being implemented first to prepare the context for the introduction of new technology. Such actions can include new structures, processes and roles, training and education, and communication activities. A key aim is to increase employees’ understanding of how technology and new ways of working will influence their job, and to provide them with the skills and knowledge to benefit from the opportunities provided.
It may be prudent to introduce pilot/trial lines in a smaller area (or in one site) and then extend to the whole organisation once the new processes and technology have been modified and approved. However, avoid implementing pilot lines only in departments with the most favourable digital attitudes as the outcomes may not be representative of digital change in other departments. Instead, ensure a more representative area is chosen.
Monitor the Progress of the Implementation
A key part of the implementation stage involves monitoring the progress of the action plan at regular intervals. This can be achieved by having regular meetings with employees at pilot sites or by using Kaisen boards to display significant milestones in the progression of the actions at different levels.
Highlighting some ‘quick wins’ or successes that have been achieved early on (such as reduced equipment downtime, reduced waste, increased training completions) can help to maintain employee motivation towards the change. The changes to organisational processes and the implementation of new technologies should be planned in a way that enables at least some aspects of impact to be measured early on. For example, by ensuring that education and training is planned to occur before employees use the new technology, productivity figures are likely to increase sooner. It can be helpful to highlight to employees how the implemented changes have led to ‘quick wins’ as it can foster their positive digital attitudes and increase their commitment towards the digital change.
If progress at a certain level of the action plan has stalled, it is important to communicate that to employees and explain the reasons for the delay. By being open about delays and the reasons for them, employees are more likely to feel they are being kept informed and develop feelings of trust towards the change leadership team.