CResDA Scoring Guide
Each attitude and resource consists of several statements which are presented in the appendix. Scoring responses for CResDA involves assigning numerical values to the responses and then calculating the average score for each attitude or resource. Using data management software or Microsoft Excel can help to streamline the scoring process. Below is a breakdown of the scoring process:
Assign numerical values to each response:
'Strongly disagree': 1
'Disagree': 2
'Neither agree nor disagree': 3
'Agree': 4
'Strongly agree': 5
Calculate the average score for each attitude of resource:
Sum up the scores for all statements within each attitude or resource.
Divide the total score by the number of statements associated with that attitude or resource to get the average score.
For example, for Personal Innovativeness, if the responses were:
I like to understand how new technologies (tools and software) work: Agree (score: 4)
I enjoy learning how to use new technologies: Agree (score: 4)
I enjoy exploring what new technologies can be used for: Neither agree nor disagree (score: 3)
I often seek information on new technologies: Disagree (score: 2)
The total score for Personal Innovativeness would be: 4 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 13
And the average score for Personal Innovativeness would be: 13 / 4 = 3.25
Repeat this process for each attitude or contextual resource listed below:
Positive digital attitudes:
Technology Self-Efficacy (consisting of 4 statements numbered 1 to 4 in the appendix).
Trust in Technology (consisting of 6 statements numbered 5 to 10 in the appendix).
Statements 9 and 10 are reverse-scored, so it is important that the scores on these questions are added to the totals correctly (i.e., Strongly Disagree scores 5 instead of 1, Disagree scores 4 instead of 2, etc.) before dividing by the number of statements (6).Â
Personal Innovativeness (consisting of 4 statements numbered 11 to 14 in the appendix).
Win-Win Mindset (5 statements numbered 18 to 22 in the appendix).
Negative digital attitudes:
Fixed Digital Mindset (3 statements numbered 15 to 17 in the appendix).
No-Win Mindset (6 statements numbered 23 to 28 in the appendix).
Contextual resources:
Team Support (4 statements numbered 29 to 32 in the appendix).
Line Manager Support (11 statements numbered 33 to 43 in the appendix).
Organisational Support (5 statements numbered 44 to 48 in the appendix).
Change Leadership Support (15 statements numbered 49 to 63 in the appendix).
Following these steps will enable the survey administrator to accurately score the responses and draw appropriate recommendations from CResDA.
N.B. Although high scores on CResDA normally indicate positive responses, higher scores on Fixed Digital Mindset and No-Win Mindset indicate the presence of negative digital attitudes and so should be interpreted accordingly.