Using CResDA at the Evaluation Stage

CResDA can be used to assess employees’ perceptions of contextual resources and digital attitudes before technology implementation (at the ‘Assess’ stage) as well as to evaluate employee perceptions after the technology is in place (‘Evaluation’ stage). To evaluate the effectiveness of the change process, employees can be asked additional questions that focus on specific aspects of the change process and check whether these are linked to digital attitudes and perceptions of contextual resources.

Additional questions evaluating the success of digital change

Employees can be asked additional questions to establish whether they think the digital change process was successful. Questions concerning employees’ technology acceptance and use (Venkatesh et al., 2003) can be added to gain insight to the extent that the new technology is being used, as well as any other questions that are important for evaluating the digital change process. Any additional questions that are added at this stage should not be worded or include content that would enable the identification of individual employees. 

Employees can be asked some of the questions regarding the digital change process below which can then be cross-tabulated/correlated with scores on the digital attitudes and contextual resources statements to assess whether they are linked. For example, do those employees who attended training for the new technology tend to also score highly on Win-Win Mindset? 

Example questions, with a Yes/No/Not applicable response (edit and add as appropriate):

Changes in Contextual Resources and Digital Attitudes over time

Comparisons can be undertaken to illustrate whether there are differences in perceptions of Contextual Resources or Digital Attitudes before and after the implementation of new digital technologies.  However, since different respondents may have answered each survey these comparisons can only be indicative rather than accurate representations of change. These comparisons from different timepoints can be graphically represented side-by-side (e.g., findings over time for general change in Win-Win Mindset are illustrated below): 

Additional literature

For questions on technology acceptance consult:

Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G., Davis, G. B., & Davis, F. D. (2003). User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view. MIS quarterly, 27(3), pp. 425-478.

For an introduction to Data Protection principles consult:

Data Protection Act 2018, c. 12. Available at: