Socio-technical Scenarios Tool User Guide

The Scenarios Tool provides a structured process to help the organisation work through the Assess, Vision, and Action Plan stages of a Digital Change Process. These following features of the Scenarios Tool can be conducted in collaborative workshops requiring a total of approximately 10 hours. The Scenarios Tool offers collaborative exercises and discussions aimed at breaking down silos and promoting knowledge sharing and mutual understanding between diverse stakeholders, thereby fostering consensus and successful action implementation. To ensure the effectiveness of the workshops and the quality of the insights generated, it is important to allow workshop participants time for feedback on the insights of one part of the process (e.g., Assessing the current situation) before proceeding to the next part (Vision:, envisioning future scenarios).

Based on a tool developed by Clegg et al., (1996).

This User Guide was developed by:

as part of the Materials Made Smarter Centre funded by the UKRI Made Smarter Innovation Challenge [Grant Reference: EP/V061798/1].

The Socio-technical Scenarios Tool is based on a tool developed by Clegg et al., (1996) and further developed and described in Axtell et al. (2001), Clegg et al. (2000), Davis et al. (2014), Holman & Axtell (2016), and Hughes et al. (2017).Â