
The Socio-technical Scenarios Tool User Guide is designed to provide organisations with instructions and guidance for navigating the people and organisational aspects of digital change, through a participative process. The Socio-technical Scenarios Tool (hereafter, the Scenarios Tool) is a workshop-based tool that engages stakeholders in collaboratively optimising socio-technical systems. This includes assessing the current situation, designing future visions and developing action plans for digital change. 

In today's dynamic business landscape, characterised by rapid technological advancements, organisations are increasingly compelled to embrace new business models to stay competitive and relevant. However, implementing these changes requires more than just adopting cutting-edge technologies; it necessitates a focused socio-technical approach, which means it acknowledges not only the technological advancements but also how these innovations will impact the people and organisational aspects of the business. 

The Scenarios Tool exemplifies this holistic socio-technical approach by emphasising stakeholder involvement in designing visions for digital change that takes into consideration interconnected organisational systems including social, structural and cultural systems as well as technology. Creating these visions may include redesigning current work processes for improved productivity, realigning job roles with new technologies, and reallocating responsibilities to ensure active engagement and effective contribution toward digital change goals. When stakeholders (e.g., employees) actively participate in redesigning their work systems to align with digital change, they are more likely to feel motivated, and committed to digital change goals. By integrating both socio-technical system optimisation and stakeholder involvement in digital change, organisations can cultivate engaging environments that not only drive productivity and performance but also foster employee satisfaction and overall wellbeing.

This user guide introduces the Scenarios Tool, a free, reliable, and versatile resource which helps to facilitate inclusive and sustainable digital change through participatory work system redesign. Leveraging the Scenarios Tool enables organisations to effectively navigate the complexities of digital change whilst ensuring that the people and organisational aspects are recognised and valued throughout the change journey. It is recommended to use the Scenarios Tool before the implementation of new technologies to enable informed decision-making for the change and design of the technology.

Benefits of using the Socio-technical Scenarios Tool

The Scenarios Tool offers a range of benefits that make it a valuable open resource for organisations undergoing digital change:

Working with an external provider

Whilst the workshop facilitator does not necessarily require a background in human factors, it is important that they familiarise themselves with the principles of socio-technical design and participatory work redesign (as outlined next). Some organisations may choose to partner with an external provider specialising in the human and organisational aspects of digital change. Partnering with independent providers such as universities or research institutes can provide organisations with additional expertise and advice relating to digital change (see further resources for additional information).